The Ultimate Peak Performance System

The 90 Day Year for Family Owned Business Leaders

Developed by: Todd Herman & Delivered By Shawn Shepheard

Achieve game-changing results in your business in just 90 days with the system used by
Olympic athletes, Fortune 50 companies and Entrepreneurs alike.

If you’re looking to gain control, get focused, and hit your goals with far less wasted time, energy, and money—while being truly excited about your business—then visiting this page and taking action will create a powerful ripple of change for your future.

I am proud to say that I have partnered with Todd Herman and his world class “90 Day Year”. I started my journey 16 months ago by being a student in award winning “90 Day Year” program, and it made a huge impact on me focusing on the right things at the right time and lead to massive growth. I have since progressed to working with Todd and 14 other highly successful business owners from around the world in his private “Champions Circle” VIP coaching group.

There is a reason it’s considered the best business growth program in the world. And now, after negotiating with Todd, I am able to bring this to you!!!

You will get the best of Shawn, the best of the “90 Day Year”, while learning in an environment built exclusively to enhance new thinking, learning and growth.

The 90 Day Year Small Business Playbook Includes Everything You Need To Achieve Faster Results In Your Business!

The Award-Winning 90-Day Year System

Multi-time winner of the ‘Best Leadership & Skill Development Program’ Stevie Award, validated by the ROI Institute, and attributed by countless business owners as the system to their success.

Get Started + 7 Mastery Modules

Designed for action, not just learning. Each module includes templates, action plans, videos and downloads to create your powerful achievement plan to reach your goals quickly.

Growing A Business Is Hard Work And There Are Days When It Can Feel Like Your Business Is Running You, Instead Of The Other Way Around.

While that’s completely understandable with all the responsibilities, decisions and tasks you juggle as a business owner, it doesn’t have to be as hard as what you might be making it.

Wearing so many hats inside your business can take its toll and lead you into a tornado of uncertainty questioning your every decision and action until finally, you’re left wondering if all the hard work you’re putting into your business will ever be returned.

You suddenly realize you have no way of prioritizing the never-ending list of things on your plate and it feels like you sprint through each day only to get to the end without any sense of accomplishment or knowing if you made any progress towards your goals.

Without a “defense mechanism” and system for tracking your Return On Effort in your business, it can very well push you out of the game as slowly, but surely, the ambition, energy and passion that you once felt so great for your business start to fade and your mind fills with self-doubt and indecision. It’s a vicious cycle.

What Separates Peak Performers

From The Rest of the Pack?

The people who struggled the most rarely if ever, took a moment to stop, reflect and review their actions on the field.

Whether it was an athlete training for the Olympics or a business owner trying to drive more sales, the story was the same.

They were hard workers for sure, relentless even, often putting in twice the number of hours as their teammates and colleagues, but they never took a moment to stop and look at what they were doing, and what they could do differently to change things.

The elite performers, on the other hand, had a specific routine of reflecting on the actions on the field that enabled them to continually learn, adapt and grow at an exponentially faster rate.

It was this constant act of iterating and making micro-improvements that continued to propel them further and further ahead of their competitors.

Why Have So Many Business Owners Achieved Such Game Changing Success With The 90 Day Year System?

Studies show that those who strive for 6 and 12-month goals are more likely to fail due to our natural tendency to overestimate what we can achieve when given longer periods to work in.

When our goals are not met it causes feelings of discouragement and self-doubt which perpetuates into longer periods of inaction and procrastination.

When it comes to our natural motivation towards achieving any goal, 90 days acts like the horizon line to the mind making it the optimal length of time to keep our motivation high while working steadily toward achieving something impactful in your business.

When your mind can see the outcome you’re striving towards, the intensity of your motivation increases. It creates a natural sense of urgency and momentum over the days and weeks in your 90 Day Year.

How Is This Different From Other One Day Trainings?

Think of the best training session you went to. You will take a ton of notes; left feeling inspired and woke up the next day and…

NOTHING CHANGED, you went back to answering all the messages you missed while being away and quickly returned to your old habits.

I get it, I experienced it firsthand myself.

It’s not the learning that matters, but the EXECUTION, ROUTINES, and THINKING that only change with FOLLOW UP & ACCOUNTABILTY.

Turning a one-day workshop into a 30-day intensive experience, having you focus on the right things at the right time, creating routines, and measuring your progress is what sets this program apart.

If you are not fully committed to showing up, playing full out, applying the lessons, and being coached for 30 days, please don’t sign up. It’s for peak performers only.

Change happens when we take consistent action daily, review, and make adjustments.

Join Me in person for the 2 day intensive in Toronto

Join the wait list for the first one of 2024
Join Shawn in 2 Day Intensive in Toronto

Online Version Taught by Todd

The award winning 90 day year program. Exceptional program for people that enjoy independent learning.