All posts by Shawn Shepheard

Death By Email

I hear it all the time.

“I am so busy, I don’t have anytime.”

How much time did you spend reading email today?

What percentage of those emails were necessary?

If you are on too many lists, being cc’d for no reason, please, please, please ask too be removed.

And don’t even get me started on the biggest time waster, the “Reply All” button.

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Too Busy? What Are You Hiding From?

I hear it all the time.

I’m too busy, I’m overwhelmed at work, I don’t have time to think ahead.

I call BS.

One thing for certain, if you don’t address this excuse it will continue to haunt you.

If an emergency came out, you would find the time.

Here is a quick exercise to help you get rid of your busyness excuse:

1) What are you outcomes/goals?

2) Take 60 seconds to list everything you do during your day.

3) Go through your list, and highlight only the top 20% that move you closer to your goal.

4) Delegate or eliminate the rest.